

This is the FAQ for "Electonomicon 2016". Of course, no one's really asked me any questions about it right now, so...really, here are my best guesses at your questions.

Why is Jeb Bush doing kung fu flips and making firey swords?!
Good place to start.

Electonomicon is a satire of the current political environment, specifically the 2016 election. There's always a very strong undercurrent of "if we lose this, then THE WORLD IS DOOMED" in modern politics, and considering how...unique this year has been, I decided to start writing some fiction about it. Of course, politics is boring, whereas Lovecraftian monsters, kung-fu fighting, action movies, and strange magical plot lines are awesome. So...I made that.

Where did that come from?
I'll tell you about it later.

When do you post?
I will do my ever-loving best to post twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. There might be a few bonuses here or there, or I might get hit with a cold. I'll keep it moving.

How long with this go?
While a lot of this is still up in the air, I plan on getting through the election (kinda obvious), and at least have a few endings for everyone. I figure this will go on until at least the end of the year.

Which political party are the good guys? Because if it's not [my favorite party]...
There will be good and bad people on both sides. Which side is best? Well, like politics...that's up to you. Everyone's protagonist is someone else's antagonist.

So, I hope you like this. I hope you share this. This is a labor of love, but I want to see others enjoying my works. If you have an actual question or just want to give me ideas or kudos, please contact me at Electonomicon@gmail.com.

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